
That old man with Adria, but she will never seen anyone ever again, at door to going in if the Ub will arrange something...

The front door, she leaves. She rejects the mature life, because let's say Nick had that ex gf, met a new more yaht guy, several their age groups to eat on the boat. She has the money. So these people talking will be the italian and mature to sit there. Most time if its in English, it will be business.

I never hear a word because I cannot understand one word in their language. Yeah, nick's friend. He usually goes alone. He told me where, and that is where he is when we moved. She drinks or all of them UB drinks. That alcohol smells must be so enchanting dandelion.....its a grass root on those weed on the gravel, you can pick up and clean, and cooked with the potato and survive. A type of the green its edible. 

Every type of the green has a way to clean it, and knife cut it, when I was taught which kinds, then yeah, emergency wise, you can live on that. I used to say already, I thought its at the money zero, not at the debts minus on the street. That is horrible, every single day no ID card, no mode to pay those debts, a number never stop turning inside the bank with your name?

That is horrific !

No, didn't explain to any of them, I contact them the first initial try. I know where those message box was, but it might disappear sometimes unsure the future. Never mind...

Joann is one of those horrific loud European no brain human girl. No guys will ever be with such, but she can talk with her mouth opens. Not intimacy, never truely be trusted together. Not a good person. But she is careless, too tall girls. Too long limbs, swing on the guys or the door...one of those, the toe.

Biden and Chinese that actor my brother guy ?

The taller guy also have this air they want to get their way, probably has no brain when they being blame, lasting 5 mins on the camera. He lasting then I see....if he got thrown out, it will be on the television, I still see.

oh ~ when Ola = her, that is very bad. She was a lot more mild, and gentle person and this scrabble cannot read notebook to write the organic chemistry. She is real or she is a fake? Eric next by will look like he has the real IQ to be in the program. Careless, that is very very very very bad.

If you put on the video, a girl very careless eye sight, didn't see, and say "oh sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry... I am so sorry. " Tina Jojo and then behind she does wicked things. 

For the guys part, they are not even inside. They put on the camera they are even. They have the emotion, if you look at Ola, she looks like a nun = none reactive things through her all around air. But still that is bad,....so many things on the clear vision, they are very mortal idea. But a lot of the guys have that IQ, I can see...at least the IQ words when someone blame on them, they register that word to sound like a leadership or the leading actor.

Some, has no IQ, that is worse. Meaning they cannot react on per their eye sight. You speak English to them, they cannot understand "What?" like Erin, those.

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