
๐ŸŽ„ I tell you what these unlimited money people do ....my back bone skeleton hurts, really. ๐ŸŽ„ Not just my health insurance issued...2 weeks one of those.

You know, I originally thinking that is when I get to the outside world, they make me doing this. They might just really believing it, and make me doing this. Not because of the BTX, they can tell what that is. But there are some others found some talents just I have nothing to do with any of you, I will be set free in my quiet wound attending time, I am telling you.

One of them showing it up. They ask me if this is the Maji Era (Kenshin Himura, I say those cloak governmental hat enter the first and the second world barrier yesterday MB God did, and we move behind behind behind behind....)

You know how the God form does reach on Earth, anything happen in that darkness are the independent story, nothing to do with the existing reality here. Correct. I have no idea why that is. But there is that is. 

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