
Lose weight?

I cannot right now. But you all should?



You all?


Earlier I was moping the floor in my room, so I clean up some of the floor, and wash my feet and hand fingers, so I am walking and swinging my 2 arms indoor. We just have those prevention military drill outside sound, 30 second ago.

Its only 9:30 in the morning here. if I keep walking one full hour, and lifting 4 limbs even 20 mins, that is the other day I did !!!

No, I didn't tell Nicky that !!! Its your momentum every day you keep going. I know I gaining some weight or staying like that meaning eating for now. But that momentum to slim down your belly?! You never lose the weight?

Yeah, you still can. You want to submit? 194 countries for UN at least 2 language, I think 3 or 4 is normal in there. I have really taken a French in UB. I just currently cannot do anything in any life scene in front of me. Music didn't get put inside any measurement, the audio part inside the strict line, I guess....

No, I don't imagine things anymore.

No, they, or many artist they do those thing in their creation. The writing creation.

No, I don't have the illusion, that is what the TV title means. 

No, you have, your head air bubble, as long as you speak a term, you go and imagine all kinds of the things. You really believe you gonna becoming the commander-in-chef if were in the music. You don't dare to dream at the geography yet....but if were the music, you thought of yourself next by that Simon maybe, or something about this American world scene in the music: Lady's gerne.

Maybe Britney, or Christna, or Taylor Swift, or Serene, or Lilly what is her real name on Vogue I put the video on those make-up channel.

You imagine a lot of this Disney high school musical.  I don't personally think Mark really imagine that musical at this moment. He will think something but not as literally you all girls putting him in thinking in what ....the high school musical inside those story plot. He probably didn't think of that, right.

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